
"Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for

yourself. It's what you do for others."-DannyThomas

Friday, January 11, 2013

LOVE series 1


‘My children, our love should not be just words and talk: it must be TRUE LOVE, which shows itself in action’
 ~Paul the Apostle
What is love? How can we define it? What really shows we really love somebody? Have you ever stopped by and ask yourself these questions? Well if you have not I am not surprise. Why? The term love has been basterdized by the world today! It has been so misunderstood that its true significance had elude us.

I remember vividly listening to a popular Radio Program called “Whispers of the early morning” by Daniel Akpata Diamond on Radio Continental. “Whispers of the early morning” is one the best programs I love listening to. The purpose of the program is to address and correct commons lies and misconceptions about Love and Relationships. I have heard issues! I have heard all what people do in the name of love. The convener of this epoch radio program is accustomed to making one very important statement. A statement I have copied and pasted on almost every cover of my book. A statement that I have jealously guarded with every thing I have, a statement that I written on the tablets of my heart. What is it?  He is always use to saying that ‘when the purpose of a thing is no known, abuse is inevitable’. How true!

When you don’t know why something was made, or when you don't know the purpose of a thing, then you can easily misuse that thing. This is the same with the concept of LOVE. Love has been abused by all those who do not have an idea of what it entails. Whenever I watch popular movies, whenever I read magazines, and see what young people do in the name of love. All I see is lies,and ignorance.

True love is so sublime that we cannot have a fuller comprehension of it. It is more that hugging, kissing, pecking, exchanging roses, visiting amusement parks and gardens, taking a nap in a popular eatery or even having sex (as MANY of us have believe). True love is far more weighty than all this petty things. Love is not eloquence of speech. It is not words of mouth. In our dispensation, we readily use the word ‘I LOVE YOU’ without having a fuller understanding of the implication of what we have just said.

During one of those time when I do listen to this popular radio program (which I still do). A young lady called in and share his ordeal in her relationship. She recounted :
“I was with my boyfriend in his house after he had invited me. Though he as been pestering me to have sex with him but I refused. On this fateful day, as we sat down, he welcomed me and later went in to get me some drink to refresh myself after the long walk. As he offered me this drink, I had a feeling never to take it. By intuition I knew something was wrong. So I asked him to first drink from the cup he served me. He refused it. I forced him but he refused. I told him. “there is something in this drink you are offering me” he denied it. And I retorted ‘but why do you refuse to drink it?’ He was dumbfounded and hesistantly drank it. Do you know that it never took him up to 10 minutes, he dozed off! He poisoned the drink with sedatives so I would sleep off and he would have sex with me.
The young lady was worried and did not know what to do.  She said she still loved him and would not like to lose him (after his boyfriend called her to apologize) So she decided to call in. But I love what Daniel said. Daniel asked him “Is this the kind of person you wish to have as a husband? “Is this the kind of person you want to spend the rest of your life with? Someone who can poison your drink? Someone who is a liar? Someone you cannot trust? Daniel was so stern with this young lady that he left her to make her own decisions. There are many pathetic true life stories I cannot share here.

LOVE has blinded so many of us that we cannot see clearly. Like the popular axiom goes ‘love is blind’ well I don’t agree but if you believe that, then I would tell  you that ‘if love is truly blind then marriage will be the eyeopener’. Young people wake up! and break off the fetter of lies you have lived with for ages and embrace the truth! The truth only is what will set you free!

Proceed to LOVE series 2