
"Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for

yourself. It's what you do for others."-DannyThomas

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

We Saw His Star!

“Where is the one who has been born KING of the Jews? We saw is STAR in the east and have come to worship him”
                                                                                                                                                                                     -The 3 wise men
1‘now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem,
2Saying ‘where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east and have come to worship him’ when Herod heard this he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him’

Imagine! What if Bill Gates had never made it till today, if his star had stayed dimmed? Who would have discovered Microsoft Windows? What if Benjamin Carson’s star was beclouded long time ago, I strongly believe that those samese twins would have died! And John Hopkins Hospital along with all those he had help saved their lives would not have benefitted at all. In fact there may never be a book called ‘Gifted Hands’. What about Micheal Faraday-the young man who discovered electricity, we could have been walking around today with candles! Above all, what if Herod was successful in his plot to choke the baby Jesus’ star believe me there would have never been salvation which is the greatest gift to the world!

It’s disheartening that inspite of all these narrow escapes and good lucks, many people have lost their stars, their dreams, their future! Many people’s life had been cut short and nose dived. This is really painful. A recent occurrence in took place in the University of Port Harcourt validates my point. On the 5th of October 2012 where four hefty and future-promising undergraduates of the University of Port Harcourt in cold blood. This future promising young men had stars shining over their heads craving for limelights, but their stars were beclouded and plundered. A gory incident that earned them the name ‘the unfortunate four’

Whenever every child is born there is a bright shining star that shines over the head of that child. This star can not help itself than to shine brilliantly everywhere. That star is symbolic to the child’s destiny, his future, what God has ordained and declared that the child would become. This is called predestination.

This same star which shines over a person’s or child’s head provokes or stirs up mixtures of feelings in different individuals. In vs. 2 the wise men saw the star, the glory over Jesus’ life and said ‘where is He who has been born king of the Jew? For we have seen his star in the east and have come to worship Him’. In spite of how far Bethlehem was from Jerusalem, the wise men saw the star of Jesus and traced him to where he was located. Parents may not clearly see the star in their children but people do see this star very clearly. And this same star may cause various reactions in the mind of those who see them.

To the three wise men, the star over Jesus head made them happy and wanting to celebrate they had no evil intention whatsoever against Jesus. Matt 2:10 says ‘when they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy’ they said ‘we have seen his star from the east and have come to worship him’. Also little wonder in vs. 11, when they came into the manger where the child Jesus was laid, they fell down and worshiped him. And they opened their treasures and presented him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They did not just saw an infant child who was wrapped in a manger, they saw a great king and savior of the whole world, they did not just saw a carpenter’s child, they saw a sovereign being seated at the right hand of his father with angels bowing down at his command.

So they came to support and to make this great destiny and dream to come to fruition. Likewise there are people who just like the 3 wise men who want to see us become what we have been destined to be. So they would go the extra mile to care and give the support they can. Do you know people like that?

Vs. 2b of Matthew chapter 2 says ‘when Herod heard this he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him’ Just like Herod, there are many people who are not happy about the star shinning brightly and brilliantly over our heads. Whenever they see such a child they are always ‘troubled’. Their agenda is to frustrate and impede the dreams of our children to becloud the radiance of their stars and to totally terminate their mission in life. Mike Murdock recounted ‘our dreams reveals our enemies making them defeatable’
              Countless number of people are not comfortable because they have envisioned and realize that our children have a bright future and like Herod they are determined to go any length to hamper their progress in life. These people are not easily detected; they are professional pretenders. Just like Herod they would say ‘go and search carefully for the young child and when you have found Him, bring back words to me that I may come and worship Him also’ (matt 2:8)
Now if Jesus Christ, in spite of his exceeding greatness could still face persecutions and threats of death in the hands of a wicked king like Herod. Then we in these contemporary times have a whole lot of work to do as regards protecting the life and stars of ourselves, children, brothers and sisters

Every father, mother, guardian should learn valuable lessons from the life of Joseph. He became the savior of his endangered family. What was the reason? How did he achieve this?
Looking closely at the life of Joseph I observed a few attributes
1.         He was a principled man (a clear reason why he almost divorced Mary when he discovered she was pregnant. He was a kind of man who will not tolerate infidelity or unfaithfulness in marriage)
2.       He was an upright or just man (matt 1:19)
3.       He was obedient to God’s word (matt1:20) and above all,
4.       He was able to hear from God.

Joseph was a man filled with the Holy Spirit. He was a man who could listen and hear clearly the direction which God was LEADING him. As a father, you are the director of the affairs of the family and the savior of your family. God communicates with us by speaking to us in spirit and dreams and any man whose spiritual ears are closed will lead his family into the hands of evil men.

We learnt that God instructed Joseph to leave Bethlehem and run to Egypt because Herod seeks the life of the child Jesus. Thanks to Joseph as we was attuned to the leadings of the Holy Spirit. The lessons we can draw from this passage is that a carnal person cannot lead a family. Parents who are not walking according to the leads of the voice of the Holy Spirit will lead their family to disaster, frustration, difficulties and even death.


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