‘In the land of myth and a
time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom lies on the shoulders of a young
boy. His name is Merlin’
When you hear those words at the insertion of a DVD
plate that is emblazoned with a courageous, handsome guy called Arthur, his
dark beautiful lover servant called Guinevere, a skinny young dragon lord
called Merlin, an old and wise physician called Gaius and of course the king of
Camelot caller Uther, then you understand what I actually mean.
The ground breaking seasonal movie that centers on a
one time great kingdom is more than a seasonal film.
Back then in high school,
I had heard of this movie called Merlin.
I could remember a particular scenario when my class mate Christopher brought
the DVD plate then to school. He would spend so much time telling his friends
about how this movie had fascinated him. ‘Morgana
plotted to kill king Uther but Merlin posed as a hindrance’ I heard him
said one time. There I was, listening but never interested at all. Then I was
never cut out for watching seasonal films. I enjoyed home videos and a few
Americans films I could lay my hands upon. One fateful day I chanced
to watch this Merlin.
I was happy when I came home on that Friday evening to find my siblings gathered in front of the TV set like jobless 'couch potatoes'. You need to see the seriousness written on their excited faces. They really sat tight. As I dropped my bag to join the league, I then meet face-to-face with Merlin. ‘Oh this was the same DVD Christopher brought to school last time’ that was about a term earlier. ‘Look at the man with the sword and the boy that outstretched his hands’ I quickly added. I was already falling in love with the episodic film. Despite the fact I never knew the names of those character figures nor their roles in the movie, I recognized their faces as well as their postures as emblazoned on the DVD jacket; That day marked the beginning of a journey into the
world of a great movie about the great city called Camelot.
I was happy when I came home on that Friday evening to find my siblings gathered in front of the TV set like jobless 'couch potatoes'. You need to see the seriousness written on their excited faces. They really sat tight. As I dropped my bag to join the league, I then meet face-to-face with Merlin. ‘Oh this was the same DVD Christopher brought to school last time’ that was about a term earlier. ‘Look at the man with the sword and the boy that outstretched his hands’ I quickly added. I was already falling in love with the episodic film. Despite the fact I never knew the names of those character figures nor their roles in the movie, I recognized their faces as well as their postures as emblazoned on the DVD jacket;
The truth be told I
spent hours, days, and weeks watching this movie. But in the long run, it
turned out to become not just a movie to me, but a great lesson that I could
apply to my every day life. You see friends, we need to learn to finetune our orientation when we watch films.
We need to always look out for simple and timeless lessons we could imbibe when we spent lots of time in front of that 'idiotbox' so that we would not end up being an idiot or waste time. We can invest our time by watching films that are educating and of which we can learn lessons we could apply to our personal lives. Though, we only learn a minute piece of information when we watch TV but we should maximize every time we use.
Research have proved that we learn more from reading than watching television. When we read we are putting our brain cells to work and that helps to articulate each of those million tiny cells to form our memory. This is a simple reason that validates times when we read to some point, we feel some kind of ‘heaviness’ clanging on our skull. It happens because our brain cells are put to tedious work which culminates to a sharper, stronger, and retentive memory. Just as our muscles become stronger when we exercise, our brain cells are exercised when we engage the act of reading. When we read we learn to think for ourselves and use more of our brain cells. Like Brian Tracy once said ‘the human brain obeys the law of use and disuse, if we do not use it, then we are going to lose it’. Unlike TV where we get every bit of information poured into our brain without allowing us a room for us to think for ourselves. Bingo! What was I actually talking about? Merlin right! Let’s quickly see the few lessons I learned from that seasonal movie.
We need to always look out for simple and timeless lessons we could imbibe when we spent lots of time in front of that 'idiotbox' so that we would not end up being an idiot or waste time. We can invest our time by watching films that are educating and of which we can learn lessons we could apply to our personal lives. Though, we only learn a minute piece of information when we watch TV but we should maximize every time we use.
Research have proved that we learn more from reading than watching television. When we read we are putting our brain cells to work and that helps to articulate each of those million tiny cells to form our memory. This is a simple reason that validates times when we read to some point, we feel some kind of ‘heaviness’ clanging on our skull. It happens because our brain cells are put to tedious work which culminates to a sharper, stronger, and retentive memory. Just as our muscles become stronger when we exercise, our brain cells are exercised when we engage the act of reading. When we read we learn to think for ourselves and use more of our brain cells. Like Brian Tracy once said ‘the human brain obeys the law of use and disuse, if we do not use it, then we are going to lose it’. Unlike TV where we get every bit of information poured into our brain without allowing us a room for us to think for ourselves. Bingo! What was I actually talking about? Merlin right! Let’s quickly see the few lessons I learned from that seasonal movie.
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Arthur Pendragon. |
MERLIN is a movie that teaches me the significance of bravery and Courage.Like Winston Churchill quizzed"Courage is the ability to act in spite of fears. It is not the absence of fear but the mastery of it". Like they said, Arthur in the movie represented bravery. Arthur was a skilled swordsman that was ready to sacrifice anything to protect his father's kingdom Camelot. In spite of the myriads of attacks that beset Camelot, he never gave up. He was always ready to face every attack and threat that fell on them. You remember when he promised Morguse to do anything she wished? As a knight and the prince of the great Kingdom-Camelot, he gave Morguese [Morganna’s step sister] his words and like you know, when Arthur gives you his words he certainly fulfils it. Morguese tested his courage when she asked him to place his head on a stone so she could behead him. Merlin stood in confusion and tremble watching to see what Arthur would do. But guess what, Arthur mustered great courage to allow her behead him. Morguses never beheaded him but she was intrigued at Arthur’s magnitude of courage when she said ‘Indeed you have proven that you are a man of courage’ Lancelot was another man that displayed a high dose of courage.
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Arthur accepted to be beheaded |
#2. Wisdom
MERLIN taught me the benefits of wisdom. Wisdom, they say is the proper application and use of knowlegde. Gaius was a man who had knowledge and also knew how to apply it hence he had wisdom. On many occasions, he warned Merlin about the consequences of every action(s) he was about to take and left him to make his own decisions. He explained every mystery behind every event that plague Camelot. Being an old sage he had a vast knowledge of ancient’s inscriptions and their interpretations. He also had a great understanding of magic, how they work and the portions that could be prepared to rescind their effects and influences. When Merlin met his new pestering friend that had been confined in a box for over 50, 000 years-the Goblin, Gaius immediately knew that the disturbing Goblin can only be baited and caught by his most treasured treasure which was Gold. Gaius also transcribed an inscription on the heart of Cornelius Sigan which read ‘whoever breaks my heart completes my works’. Gaius was a man who had wisdom no doubt. If you watched the previous seasons closely there are many scenes where Gaius displayed wisdom that helped savage Camelot from tearing apart. Like the holy book puts it ‘wisdom is profitable to direct’
#3. Humility
I CANNOT say if anyone could play the role Guinevere played in Merlin, than the way she played that role of a poor servant. She was extremely down-to-earth. She was lovable and she also expressed her deep love to everyone that inhabits the palace. She was hardworking and caring. As a personal assistant to the Lady Morganna, she knew her onions and never was she lackadaisical about her work as a servant. I know you understand what I mean here! Words alone cannot explain well the dose of love, care and passion
I CANNOT say if anyone could play the role Guinevere played in Merlin, than the way she played that role of a poor servant. She was extremely down-to-earth. She was lovable and she also expressed her deep love to everyone that inhabits the palace. She was hardworking and caring. As a personal assistant to the Lady Morganna, she knew her onions and never was she lackadaisical about her work as a servant. I know you understand what I mean here! Words alone cannot explain well the dose of love, care and passion
Guinevere dedicated to her work. Those scenes taught me to always do the same
while under the care of higher authorities. It was really an eye-opener for me.
Above all, she was disciplined with her emotions. She was not loose with her
body and that was why she succeeded at being tied to Arthur. In modern times,
ladies are loosed with themselves. They expose every part of their body seducing men to destruction. They apply heavy make-ups to make up for their
defects. True beauty lies in the heart. If you are beautiful, then you are
beautiful even when you do not apply heavy ‘make-ups’. Little wonder Arthur
loved her so much well done Guinevere!
#4. Trust
MERLIN taught me to look closely at my inner circles before putting TRUST on them. People break up from friendships because they had been betrayed in one way or the other reasons by simply entrusting their trust and credibility too quickly without careful scrutinization. People are tricky; they can pose as your friends while they are your foes and doom! They are simply wolves in sheep’s clothing. Uther trusted Lady Morganna and his brother Agravine but what happened in the long run? You know the rest of the story. Merlin was angered at Uther’s blindness to Lady Morganna’s secrecy that he asked Gaius ‘Why is he so blind’. Before we put trust on people we should ensure that they are truly who we think they are.
MERLIN taught me to look closely at my inner circles before putting TRUST on them. People break up from friendships because they had been betrayed in one way or the other reasons by simply entrusting their trust and credibility too quickly without careful scrutinization. People are tricky; they can pose as your friends while they are your foes and doom! They are simply wolves in sheep’s clothing. Uther trusted Lady Morganna and his brother Agravine but what happened in the long run? You know the rest of the story. Merlin was angered at Uther’s blindness to Lady Morganna’s secrecy that he asked Gaius ‘Why is he so blind’. Before we put trust on people we should ensure that they are truly who we think they are.
#5. True Love
MERLIN taught me true love. Uther was wagging war against magic and sorcery. He was ready to sentence any one who was found guity of practising magic. But Merlin had a different conception of magic inspite of the fact that people used it for self-seeking purposes. He did not see magic and sorcery, he saw gifts! Like he rightly said ‘Magic is not a crime, it is a gift’
MERLIN taught me true love. Uther was wagging war against magic and sorcery. He was ready to sentence any one who was found guity of practising magic. But Merlin had a different conception of magic inspite of the fact that people used it for self-seeking purposes. He did not see magic and sorcery, he saw gifts! Like he rightly said ‘Magic is not a crime, it is a gift’
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Freya rejected and dejected |
Do you remember the druid girl whom was cursed? Freya.
She was forbidden to live a normal life; she lived all her life hiding from
people whose mission was to kill and destroy her powers. When she was caught and brought to Camelot,
Merlin privily got her released. In spite of the fact that
she usually turn into a wild ugly beast, Merlin still showed her love.
Because she sometimes could not control herself from killing people whenever she turns into a beast, she hated herself even more. What did Merlin do? Merlin made her understand that, the fact she was cursed does not mean she could not be loved. Merlin cared for her and showed her lots of compassion. When she was about to die from the deep cut she sustained from Prince Arthur's attack, just a few yards across the river that leads to her hometown, she lied helpless in the hands of Merlin, in the brink of death and spoke this powerful words to Merlin.
She said ‘I have truly lived because you made me feel loved’ to my best understanding, I believe that was the first day in her entire life someone showed her true love. She had suffered from the pains of hate and neglect all her life. When she died, I saw the marks of pains pentup in the heart of Merlin. But his tears did not bring her back. I believe wherever Freya’s spirit went, she would be happy because she never believed she could ever be loved again in her life. Merlin is an embodiment of true love. He was kind at heart and lowly in spirit. He used his ‘powers’ to save lives and above all to rescue the great Camelot form crumbling!
Because she sometimes could not control herself from killing people whenever she turns into a beast, she hated herself even more. What did Merlin do? Merlin made her understand that, the fact she was cursed does not mean she could not be loved. Merlin cared for her and showed her lots of compassion. When she was about to die from the deep cut she sustained from Prince Arthur's attack, just a few yards across the river that leads to her hometown, she lied helpless in the hands of Merlin, in the brink of death and spoke this powerful words to Merlin.
She said ‘I have truly lived because you made me feel loved’ to my best understanding, I believe that was the first day in her entire life someone showed her true love. She had suffered from the pains of hate and neglect all her life. When she died, I saw the marks of pains pentup in the heart of Merlin. But his tears did not bring her back. I believe wherever Freya’s spirit went, she would be happy because she never believed she could ever be loved again in her life. Merlin is an embodiment of true love. He was kind at heart and lowly in spirit. He used his ‘powers’ to save lives and above all to rescue the great Camelot form crumbling!
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Merlin shows care to freya-the cursed girl |
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Magic is a gift! |
LASTLY, Merlin taught be the usefulness of our gifts and potentials. Merlin was blessed with the gifts of magic. In a land where magic and sorcery was highly feared and threatened, Merlin made up his mind to use his gifts to save lives and to preserve the posterity of a great city and its people.
Many people are blessed with various gifts and abilities but are not using their gifts to its fullest potential. What are your gifts? How are you using them? The book of proverbs charged us that ''the gift of a man maketh room for him and brings him before great men''. Until you discover, develop and deploy your hidden 'powers' just like Merlin you will never be fulfilled in life. Living and using our gifts and talents are what brings fulfillment in our lives. You can be successful but not fulfilled.
How are you using your 'powers' today? Are you using your gifts to influence lives positively? Many of us are just like Morganna and Morguse who decided to use their gifts to perpertrate evil. Many people are good at something but they use that thing in which they are gifted in to frustrate the lives of people around them. God has blessed us with a treasure chest of gifts, potentials and abilities so we can use them to bless others. 'Let your light shine among men that they may see your GOOD works' Jesus Said. I urge you to use your own 'magical powers' to say 'Tospringe' and open a new atmosphere in the lives of others. Above all remember that your gifts are tied to the lives of many people. Merlin's gifts was destined to Camelot, Arthur etc. When we succeed in using our gifts many peopleeqally benefit from it.
I can continue to elucidate many lessons I have gleaned from the timeless seasonal film. There are many lessons I would not be able to put here, but I believe you have yours. If you think you have learnt one or more lessons from Merlin, then I would be glad to hear from you!
It's great to see that that you learnt some lessons from commercial TV, When I watch a movie or TV series I look for the plot and and usually guess what happens next, instead of doing this from now on i'll be looking for the lessons of life that can be gained.
ReplyDeleteYou have done a really good job on this one, keep it up.
Have a great day,
Great And Thanks Alot, People Are Expecting Lesson From Something Too Solid, That Why They Suffer To Find It.
ReplyDeleteAs To My Might ,lesson Matter Just A Bit Of Attention And Being Sensitive To The Things Of World Around Us,anybody Wise Can Devolope That Sensitivity Too. Thank You And Keep Sharing With Us.